100 Common Plumbing Problems

Dripping Tap

Have you ever been irritated by the constant sound of a dripping tap? Not only can it be frustrating, but it can also lead to significant water wastage and increased utility bills. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of a dripping tap, the impact it can have, and how you can fix it yourself or seek professional help. Additionally, we’ll discuss preventive measures to avoid future dripping tap issues.

Understanding the issue: What is a dripping tap?

A dripping tap is a common plumbing problem where water continuously leaks from the faucet, even when it is turned off. This persistent dripping can occur due to various reasons, including worn-out washers, loose or damaged parts, or high water pressure.

The impact of a dripping tap

A dripping tap may seem like a minor inconvenience, but it can have several negative consequences:

  • Water wastage: A steady drip can waste a significant amount of water over time, contributing to overall water scarcity.
  • Increased utility bills: The continuous leakage can cause your water bills to skyrocket, impacting your monthly expenses.
  • Environmental concerns: Conserving water is essential for our environment. A dripping tap adds to unnecessary water consumption and puts a strain on natural resources.

Fixing a dripping tap

If you’re comfortable with basic DIY tasks, fixing a dripping tap can be done without professional help. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Adjustable wrench
  • Screwdriver
  • Replacement washers
  • Plumber’s tape

Clogged Sink: Causes, DIY Fixes, and Prevention Tips

A clogged sink is an inconvenience that many homeowners face at some point. Whether it’s a kitchen sink or a bathroom sink, a clog can disrupt your daily routine and lead to frustration. Understanding the causes of a clogged sink, learning how to unclog it yourself, and implementing prevention tips can help you maintain a clear and functional sink. In this article, we’ll delve into the various aspects of dealing with a clogged sink and provide you with actionable solutions.


Dealing with a clogged sink can be a hassle, but with a little knowledge and the right tools, you can resolve the issue efficiently. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of sink clogs, identify common signs and symptoms, and guide you through a range of do-it-yourself methods to unclog your sink. Additionally, we’ll share preventative measures to minimize the chances of future clogs. So, let’s dive in!

Understanding the causes of a clogged sink

Before we jump into the solutions, it’s important to understand what causes a sink to clog in the first place. Several factors can contribute to a clogged sink, including:

Accumulation of debris and food particles

Food scraps, grease, and other debris can accumulate over time, leading to clogged drains. This is especially common in kitchen sinks where food waste is frequently washed down the drain.

Running Toilet: Causes, Fixes, and Prevention

Is your toilet constantly making a trickling sound? Is the water in your toilet bowl always in motion, even when not in use? If so, you may be dealing with a running toilet. A running toilet is not only an annoyance but can also lead to water waste, increased water bills, and potential water damage if left unaddressed. In this article, we will delve into the causes of a running toilet, discuss the signs to look out for, and provide you with practical solutions to fix and prevent this common plumbing issue.

1. Introduction

A running toilet refers to a situation where the water from the tank continuously flows into the toilet bowl, even when not being flushed. This constant water flow is often accompanied by a hissing or trickling sound. Not only can a running toilet be bothersome, but it can also lead to significant water wastage, which is both environmentally and financially undesirable. By understanding the causes behind a running toilet and implementing the appropriate fixes, you can save water, money, and prevent potential damage.

2. What is a Running Toilet?

A running toilet occurs when the mechanisms responsible for regulating water flow within the toilet tank malfunction. These mechanisms include the flapper, fill valve, and chain. When one or more of these components fail to function correctly, water can continuously flow from the tank into the bowl, resulting in a running toilet.

3. Common Causes of a Running Toilet

3.1 Worn Out Flapper

One of the primary culprits behind a running toilet is a worn-out flapper. The flapper is a rubber valve that lifts when the toilet is flushed, allowing water to flow from the tank into the bowl. Over time, the flapper can deteriorate, losing its ability to form a tight seal. This causes water to continuously leak into the bowl, resulting in a running toilet.

3.2 Faulty Fill Valve

Another common cause of a running toilet is a faulty fill valve. The fill valve, also known as the ballcock, is responsible for regulating the water level in the tank after each flush. If the fill valve malfunctions, it may not shut off completely, causing water to continuously flow into the bowl. This malfunction leads to a running toilet.

3.3 Loose or Misaligned Chain

The chain that connects the flapper to the flush handle can also contribute to a running toilet if it becomes loose or misaligned. When the chain is too long or tangled, it can prevent the flapper from forming a proper seal, resulting in water continuously leaking into the bowl.

Leaky Pipes

Leaky pipes can be a frustrating and damaging issue for homeowners. When left unattended, they can lead to significant water damage, mold growth, and structural issues. Understanding the causes, signs, and effects of leaky pipes is crucial in order to prevent and fix them promptly. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of leaky pipes, discuss prevention methods, and provide solutions for fixing them.

1. Introduction

Introduction to the importance of addressing leaky pipes promptly and the purpose of the article.

2. Understanding Leaky Pipes

2.1 Causes of Leaky Pipes

Explaining common causes of leaky pipes, such as corrosion, high water pressure, freezing temperatures, and improper installation.

2.2 Signs of Leaky Pipes

Identifying the signs that indicate the presence of leaky pipes, including water stains, musty odors, dampness, and unexplained water puddles.

3. Effects of Leaky Pipes

3.1 Water Damage

Discussing the potential water damage caused by leaky pipes, including structural damage, ruined belongings, and increased water bills.

3.2 Mold and Mildew

Exploring the growth of mold and mildew due to moisture from leaky pipes, the health risks associated with it, and the importance of addressing the issue promptly.

3.3 Structural Damage

Highlighting how leaky pipes can lead to structural issues in a building, such as weakened foundations, rotting wood, and compromised integrity.

4. Preventing Leaky Pipes

4.1 Regular Maintenance

Providing tips on regular maintenance practices that can help prevent leaky pipes, including inspecting for leaks, cleaning drains, and ensuring proper pipe connections.

4.2 Monitoring Water Pressure

Explaining the significance of monitoring water pressure and how high pressure can contribute to leaky pipes. Offering advice on maintaining optimal water pressure.

4.3 Insulating Pipes

Emphasizing the importance of insulating pipes, especially in areas prone to freezing temperatures, to prevent pipe bursts and subsequent leaks.

5. Fixing Leaky Pipes

5.1 DIY Solutions

Outlining step-by-step instructions for fixing minor leaks using common household tools, such as pipe tape, sealants, and pipe clamps. Encouraging readers to exercise caution and seek professional help for complex issues.

5.2 Hiring a Professional

Discussing the advantages of hiring a professional plumber to handle leaky pipe problems, ensuring long-term solutions and expert advice.

6. Conclusion

Summarizing the main points discussed in the article and emphasizing the importance of addressing leaky pipes promptly to prevent further damage and expenses.

Low Water Pressure

Water is an essential resource that we rely on for various daily activities, from cooking and cleaning to bathing and irrigation. However, sometimes we may encounter an issue known as low water pressure, which can significantly hinder our ability to perform these tasks efficiently. In this article, we will explore the causes, signs, and solutions for low water pressure, as well as provide useful tips for prevention.


Low water pressure refers to a situation where the flow of water through the plumbing system is weaker than desired. This can manifest as reduced force or volume of water coming out of faucets, showerheads, or other water outlets. While it may seem like a minor inconvenience, low water pressure can affect multiple aspects of our daily lives, including personal hygiene, household chores, and even the functionality of certain appliances.

Causes of Low Water Pressure

Several factors can contribute to low water pressure. Understanding these causes is crucial in identifying the source of the problem and finding an appropriate solution.

Partially closed valves: In some cases, low water pressure can be attributed to partially closed valves within the plumbing system. These valves, located near fixtures or along the main water line, regulate the flow of water. Accidental adjustments or maintenance work may lead to reduced water pressure.

Clogged pipes or faucets: Over time, mineral deposits, rust, or debris can accumulate inside pipes or faucets, obstructing the flow of water. This can result in low water pressure throughout the system.

Municipal water supply issues: Municipalities occasionally face challenges in maintaining consistent water pressure due to repairs, maintenance, or high demand. These temporary disruptions can cause low water pressure in homes and businesses connected to the affected water supply.

Problems with water pressure regulator: The water pressure regulator is a device that controls the water pressure entering a building. If the regulator malfunctions or is incorrectly adjusted, it can lead to low water pressure issues.

Signs and Symptoms of Low Water Pressure

Detecting low water pressure is essential for determining the scope of the problem and taking appropriate measures to address it. Some common signs and symptoms include:

Reduced flow from faucets and showerheads: When water pressure is low, you may notice a diminished flow of water from your faucets or showerheads.

Clogged Bathtub Drain: Causes, Prevention, and DIY Solutions


A clogged bathtub drain can be an annoying problem that disrupts your daily routine and prevents you from enjoying a relaxing bath. In this article, we will explore the causes of bathtub drain clogs, discuss preventive measures, provide tips for diagnosing a clogged drain, offer do-it-yourself remedies, and discuss when it’s time to seek professional help. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a clear and functional bathtub drain, promoting a stress-free bathing experience.


Bathtub drain clogs can occur due to various reasons. Understanding these causes can help you take preventive measures and minimize the chances of experiencing a clog. Some common causes of clogged bathtub drains include:

  1. Hair Buildup: The accumulation of hair is one of the primary culprits behind bathtub drain clogs. As we shower or bathe, loose hair tends to flow down the drain and eventually clumps together, obstructing the water flow.
  2. Soap Residue: Soap scum can accumulate over time and mix with other debris, forming a sticky residue that contributes to drain blockages. Soap residue tends to adhere to the inner walls of the drain, reducing its diameter and impeding water flow.
  3. Mineral Deposits: In areas with hard water, mineral deposits can accumulate inside the drain pipes, narrowing the passageway for water to flow freely. This can lead to slow draining or complete blockages.


Preventing bathtub drain clogs is easier and more cost-effective than dealing with the aftermath of a clog. By adopting a few preventive measures, you can reduce the likelihood of experiencing a clogged drain. Here are some tips to consider:

  1. Use a Drain Cover: Placing a drain cover or strainer over your bathtub drain can effectively catch hair and other debris, preventing them from entering the drain pipe. Regularly clean the cover to maintain its effectiveness.
  2. Hair Removal Practices: Brushing your hair before showering or using a shower cap can significantly reduce the amount of hair that goes down the drain. Additionally, periodically removing hair from the drain cover can prevent hair buildup.
  3. Avoid Soap Buildup: Opt for liquid soap instead of bar soap, as it produces less residue. Additionally, rinsing the drain with hot water after each use can help flush away any soap residue clinging to the pipe walls.


Determining whether your bathtub drain is clogged is essential before attempting any unclogging methods. Here’s how you can diagnose a clogged drain:

  1. Slow Drainage: If you notice the water taking longer than usual to drain from your bathtub, it could indicate a partial clog. This is often the first sign of a developing clog.
  2. Standing Water: A clear indicator of a clogged drain is the presence of standing water in your bathtub.

Leaking Showerhead

A leaking showerhead can be an annoyance that not only wastes water but also leads to increased utility bills and potential structural damage if left unaddressed. Fortunately, many common causes of showerhead leaks can be fixed with simple DIY solutions. In this article, we will explore the causes of a leaking showerhead, signs to watch out for, DIY fixes, when to seek professional help, and preventive measures to avoid future leaks.


Imagine stepping into your shower, eagerly anticipating a refreshing experience, only to be greeted by the sound of water droplets incessantly dripping from your showerhead. A leaking showerhead can quickly dampen the mood and become a source of frustration. Understanding the causes, signs, and solutions for a leaking showerhead can help you restore tranquility to your daily shower routine.

What is a Leaking Showerhead?

A leaking showerhead refers to a situation where water continues to drip or leak from the showerhead even when the water supply is turned off. It can range from a minor annoyance with a few drops to a more severe leak that causes significant water wastage. Addressing the issue promptly is essential to prevent further damage and conserve water.

Common Causes of a Leaking Showerhead

Loose Connections

One of the most common causes of a leaking showerhead is loose connections. Over time, the connections between the showerhead, shower arm, and water supply pipe may become loose due to regular use or insufficient tightening during installation. This can result in water seepage and leaks around the joints.

Damaged or Worn-out Washer

Another frequent culprit behind a leaking showerhead is a damaged or worn-out washer. The washer, also known as a rubber O-ring, is responsible for creating a watertight seal between the showerhead and the shower arm. If the washer deteriorates or gets damaged, it can cause water to leak around the showerhead.

Faulty Showerhead

Sometimes, the showerhead itself may be faulty, leading to leaks. Manufacturing defects, cracks, or damage to the internal components of the showerhead can cause water to escape through unintended pathways. In such cases, fixing the showerhead may be necessary to resolve the leak.

Signs of a Leaking Showerhead

Identifying the signs of a leaking showerhead is crucial in addressing the issue promptly.

Overflowing Toilet: How to Handle the Situation

An overflowing toilet is a homeowner’s nightmare. The sight of water spilling out onto the bathroom floor can cause panic and distress. However, it’s essential to remain calm and take immediate action to prevent further damage. In this article, we will explore the causes of an overflowing toilet, steps to handle the situation, tips to prevent it from happening, and when to call a professional plumber.


An overflowing toilet occurs when the water level in the bowl rises above its normal height, leading to water overflow. This can be caused by various factors, including clogs, sewer line issues, or malfunctioning toilet components. Understanding the causes will help you address the problem promptly and effectively.

How to Handle an Overflowing Toilet

Dealing with an overflowing toilet can be a messy and stressful experience, but following a few simple steps can help you manage the situation with ease.

Step 1: Stop the Water Flow

As soon as you notice the toilet overflowing, it’s crucial to stop the water flow to prevent further damage. Locate the water shut-off valve near the base of the toilet, usually behind a small access panel. Turn the valve clockwise to shut off the water supply. This will stop water from entering the tank and overflowing into the bowl.

Step 2: Clear the Blockage

A common cause of toilet overflow is a clog in the drainpipe. To clear the blockage, you can use a plunger or a plumbing auger. Start by using a plunger to create a seal around the drain opening. Push the plunger up and down vigorously to dislodge the clog. If the plunger doesn’t work, try using a plumbing auger by inserting it into the toilet’s drainpipe and rotating it to break up the blockage.

Step 3: Clean up the Mess

Once you have resolved the overflowing issue, it’s important to clean up the mess immediately. Use absorbent towels or mops to soak up the water on the floor. Thoroughly disinfect the affected area with a suitable cleaner to prevent the growth of bacteria or mold. Remember to wear gloves and protective clothing while handling potentially contaminated water.

Preventing Toilet Overflow

While dealing with an overflowing toilet can be inconvenient, taking preventive measures can minimize the chances of it happening again in the future.

Regular Maintenance

Regularly inspect your toilet for any signs of damage or wear. Ensure that the components, such as the flapper valve and fill valve, are functioning properly. If you notice any leaks or unusual noises, consider repairing or replacing the faulty parts promptly.

Avoid Flushing Inappropriate Items

Toilets are designed to handle human waste and toilet paper. Flushing items like sanitary products, wipes, or paper towels can lead to clogs and eventually cause an overflow. Educate everyone in your household about what should and should not be flushed down the toilet.

Check the Water Pressure

High water pressure can put stress on your plumbing system, increasing the likelihood of a toilet overflow. Consider installing a pressure regulator to maintain a safe and steady water pressure.

Slow-Draining Sink: Causes, Solutions, and Prevention

Having a sink that drains slowly can be quite frustrating. Whether it’s in the kitchen or bathroom, a slow-draining sink can disrupt your daily routine and create inconvenience. In this article, we will delve into the causes behind a slow-draining sink, provide you with DIY solutions to address the issue, discuss when it’s necessary to seek professional help, and offer tips for preventing this problem from occurring in the future.

1. Introduction

When you notice your sink taking an eternity to drain, it’s essential to understand the underlying causes before attempting any fixes. A slow-draining sink can be attributed to various factors, including the accumulation of debris, a clogged P-trap, a blocked vent pipe, or mineral buildup.

2. Understanding the Causes of a Slow-Draining Sink

2.1 Accumulation of Debris

One of the primary reasons for a slow-draining sink is the accumulation of debris, such as food particles, grease, and hair. Over time, these substances can accumulate and form a blockage within the drainage system, hindering the smooth flow of water.

2.2 Clogged P-Trap

The P-trap, a curved pipe beneath the sink, is designed to prevent unpleasant odors from entering your living space. However, it can also become a common location for debris buildup, leading to a slow drain. If the P-trap is clogged, it restricts the water flow and results in a slow-draining sink.

2.3 Blocked Vent Pipe

The vent pipe, typically located on the roof, plays a crucial role in maintaining proper drainage flow. It allows air to enter the plumbing system, preventing airlock and enabling wastewater to flow freely. When the vent pipe becomes blocked or obstructed, it disrupts the balance of air pressure, causing the sink to drain slowly.

2.4 Mineral Buildup

In areas with hard water, mineral buildup can occur over time. Minerals like calcium and magnesium can accumulate within the pipes, narrowing the diameter and impeding water flow. This can lead to slow-draining sinks and other plumbing issues if not addressed promptly.

3. DIY Solutions for a Slow-Draining Sink

Before calling a plumber, there are several DIY solutions you can try to restore proper drainage to your sink.

3.1 Removing Debris

Start by manually removing any visible debris or buildup from the sink drain. Use gloves and a pair of tweezers or pliers to pull out hair, food particles, or other obstructions that may be causing the slow drain.

3.2 Clearing the P-Trap

If the slow drain persists, it’s worth checking the P-trap.

Water Heater Not Producing Hot Water

I. Introduction

Are you frustrated with a water heater that’s not producing hot water when you need it the most? A malfunctioning water heater can be a significant inconvenience, especially during colder months. In this article, we’ll explore the common causes behind a water heater not producing hot water and provide troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the issue. Additionally, we’ll share some maintenance tips to prevent future problems. Let’s dive in and get your hot water flowing again!

II. Common Causes of Water Heater Not Producing Hot Water

A. Pilot Light Issues

One of the primary reasons for a water heater not producing hot water is a problem with the pilot light. If the pilot light goes out or is not properly ignited, it disrupts the heating process. This issue can occur due to a faulty thermocouple, gas supply issues, or drafty conditions.

B. Faulty Heating Element

Electric water heaters utilize heating elements to warm the water. If these elements become faulty or fail, the water heater won’t be able to produce hot water. Over time, heating elements can deteriorate or burn out, requiring replacement.

C. Sediment Buildup

Minerals and sediment can accumulate at the bottom of the water heater tank over time. This sediment buildup can insulate the heating element or interfere with heat transfer, resulting in inadequate hot water production. It is a common issue in areas with hard water.

D. Thermostat Problems

The thermostat in your water heater controls the temperature of the water. If the thermostat malfunctions, it may not signal the heating elements to activate, leading to a lack of hot water. Faulty thermostats may need calibration or replacement.

E. Gas Supply Issues

Gas water heaters rely on a steady supply of natural gas or propane to heat the water. If there are problems with the gas supply, such as a closed valve or gas line issues, the water heater won’t be able to produce hot water. Gas supply issues should be addressed by a qualified professional.

F. Electrical Malfunctions

For electric water heaters, electrical malfunctions can prevent the heating elements from working correctly.

Leaking Water Heater

Leaking water heaters can cause significant damage to your home if not addressed promptly. In this article, we will discuss the common causes of leaking water heaters, signs and symptoms to look out for, potential risks involved, steps to take when you discover a leak, DIY fixes for minor leaks, the importance of calling a professional plumber, preventive measures, and the process of choosing a new water heater. By understanding the topic thoroughly, you’ll be better equipped to deal with a leaking water heater efficiently.

1. Introduction

A leaking water heater can be a frustrating and potentially hazardous problem for homeowners. Water damage from a leak can lead to structural issues, mold growth, and increased utility bills. It is crucial to address the issue promptly to minimize the damage and restore the functionality of your water heating system.

2. Understanding Leaking Water Heaters

Before diving into the causes and solutions, it’s essential to understand what a leaking water heater entails. A leaking water heater refers to any instance where water escapes from the tank or associated plumbing connections. Leaks can occur in various locations, including the drain valve, temperature and pressure relief valve, or even cracks in the tank itself.

3. Common Causes of Leaking Water Heaters

Several factors can contribute to a leaking water heater. Some common causes include:

3.1 Corrosion and Rust

Over time, the tank’s interior can corrode, leading to tiny holes or cracks through which water can escape.

3.2 Excessive Pressure

High water pressure can strain the tank, causing leaks to develop. Faulty pressure relief valves can also contribute to pressure-related leaks.

3.3 Loose Connections

Poorly tightened plumbing connections or loose fittings can cause water to leak from the water heater.

4. Signs and Symptoms of a Leaking Water Heater

Identifying the signs and symptoms of a leaking water heater is crucial for early detection and intervention. Look out for the following indicators:

4.1 Water Puddles or Dampness

Observe your water heater and its surroundings for puddles, moisture, or damp spots, indicating a leak.

4.2 Rusty Water

If you notice rusty or discolored water flowing from your faucets, it could be a sign of corrosion within the water heater.

4.3 Strange Noises

Unusual sounds, such as hissing or popping noises, coming from the water heater could indicate a problem that needs attention.

Frozen Pipes: Causes, Prevention, and Thawing Tips

When the temperature drops below freezing, one of the most common household issues that can arise is frozen pipes. Frozen pipes not only disrupt your water supply but can also lead to costly repairs and extensive damage if not addressed promptly. In this article, we will explore the causes of frozen pipes, signs to look out for, preventive measures, and effective ways to thaw frozen pipes safely. So, let’s dive in and learn how to protect your plumbing system during the cold winter months.

Introduction to Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes occur when the water inside them freezes, causing an obstruction and preventing the flow of water. This typically happens in areas where the temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius). The main cause of frozen pipes is exposure to cold air, especially in unheated or poorly insulated areas of your home. When water freezes, it expands, exerting immense pressure on the pipes, which can eventually lead to cracks, leaks, or even burst pipes.

Signs of Frozen Pipes

Detecting frozen pipes early is crucial in preventing major damage. Here are some common signs to watch out for:

  1. Decreased water flow or no water at all: If you turn on a faucet and only a trickle or no water comes out, it’s likely a sign of frozen pipes.
  2. Unusual odors or discoloration in tap water: Frozen pipes can cause unpleasant smells or even discoloration in your water due to trapped debris or chemicals.
  3. Visible frost on exposed pipes: If you notice frost or a layer of ice on your pipes, it indicates that they are frozen.

Prevention of Frozen Pipes

Preventing frozen pipes is much easier and less costly than dealing with the consequences. Follow these preventive measures to keep your pipes from freezing:

  1. Insulating pipes and sealing cracks: Insulate exposed pipes with foam insulation sleeves or wrap them with heating tape. Additionally, seal any cracks or gaps near pipes to prevent cold air from reaching them.
  2. Keeping a constant temperature in the house: Maintain a consistent temperature in your home, even when you are away. Set your thermostat to at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Celsius) during cold spells.
  3. Running water to prevent freezing: On exceptionally cold nights, allow a small trickle of water to flow from faucets connected to vulnerable pipes. The movement of water can help prevent freezing.

Other plumbing issues you could encounter:

  1. Toilet won’t flush
  2. Backed-up sewer line
  3. Leaking washing machine hose
  4. Clogged garbage disposal
  5. Leaky hose bib (outdoor faucet)
  6. Noisy pipes (rattling or banging)
  7. Smelly drains
  8. Leaking dishwasher
  9. Clogged shower drain
  10. Leaking toilet tank
  11. Water hammer (loud banging noise in pipes)
  12. Toilet tank takes too long to refill
  13. Leaking radiator valve
  14. Leaking outdoor sprinkler system
  15. Overflowing septic tank
  16. Clogged floor drain
  17. Leaking valve under the sink
  18. Sewage backup in basement
  19. Leaking refrigerator water line
  20. No hot water in certain faucets
  21. Toilet bowl fills with water but won’t flush
  22. Leaking air conditioner condensate line
  23. Toilet constantly running
  24. Smelly well water
  25. Leaking pressure relief valve on water heater
  26. Clogged toilet
  27. Leaking shower diverter valve
  28. Water leaks from the base of the toilet
  29. Burst pipe
  30. Leaking washing machine drain pipe
  31. Leaky outdoor hose connection
  32. Toilet flapper not sealing properly
  33. Clogged bathtub jets
  34. Leaking water filtration system
  35. Toilet bowl water level too low
  36. Leaking bathtub faucet
  37. Blocked sewer vent pipe
  38. No water coming out of faucet
  39. Leaking basement sump pump
  40. Clogged kitchen drain
  41. Leaking humidifier water line
  42. Water leaks from the base of the faucet
  43. Slow-flushing toilet
  44. Leaking water softener
  45. Clogged laundry drain
  46. Leaking shower pan
  47. Noisy toilet (gurgling or bubbling sounds)
  48. Clogged outdoor gutter drain
  49. Leaking reverse osmosis system
  50. Water leaks from the base of the sink
  51. Sewage smell in the bathroom
  52. Leaking bathtub overflow drain
  53. Clogged sprinkler heads
  54. Leaking irrigation system pipe
  55. No water in the whole house
  56. Leaking toilet flush valve
  57. Clogged roof drain
  58. Leaking bathroom exhaust fan vent
  59. Water leaks from the base of the shower
  60. Slow-draining bathtub
  61. Leaking pool pump
  62. Clogged bathroom sink
  63. Leaking dishwasher drain line
  64. No water in one bathroom
  65. Leaking shut-off valve
  66. Clogged sewer cleanout
  67. Leaking basement floor drain
  68. Water leaks from the base of the tub
  69. Slow-draining shower
  70. Leaking water fountain
  71. Clogged outdoor storm drain
  72. Leaking bathroom sink drain pipe
  73. No water in the kitchen sink
  74. Leaking septic tank distribution box
  75. Water leaks from the base of the bidet
  76. Slow-flushing urinal
  77. Leaking gas water heater
  78. Clogged utility sink
  79. Leaking washing machine supply line
  80. No water in the shower
  81. Leaking outdoor pond pump
  82. Water leaks from the base of the outdoor faucet
  83. Slow-draining laundry sink
  84. Leaking fire sprinkler system
  85. Clogged basement floor drain
  86. Leaking outdoor misting system
  87. No water in the bathtub
  88. Leaking bar sink drain pipe
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